Mahabodhi ITI , will provide world class facilities to students, their parents and the team members. All the class rooms in the school is technology enabled classrooms with smart boards installed in it. We follow the thematic study pattern to make the students learn through activities rather than by rote learning. We maintain a competitive student teacher ratio to attain a personal attention to each and every student.
Mahabodhi ITI , understands the need of one stop solution for all routine requirements of a school going child and that the modern day parents are busy – hence the school needs to provide for most of the routine requirement of a child.
Efforts are made to ensure that all students start conversing in English as early as possible. At Mahabodhi ITI , we recognize the socio-cultural background of our students and that is the reason why spoken English classes form a part of the routine time table and the school assembly. To improve communication skills, students should be given every opportunity to participate in competition for passages, poems, scriptures, extempore speeches, quiz etc. in English.
However, we seek active participation of the parents in this regard. We suggest that they should speak in English at home and encourage their wards to speak in English too. The child should be provided with age appropriate in competition English books, Newspapers and magazines. This will foster good reading habit and will propagate awareness building skills.
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